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Mac Cache Cleaner App

Mac Cache Cleaner App 7,0/10 998 votes

MacFly Pro is designed to clear computer cache mac properly and quickly. This tool helps remove all system junk including user, system and browser cache, temporary files, unnecessary applications, duplicate files, etc. Next up on the list of 10 best cache cleaner for Android is Cache Clear. This app, like the 1 Tap Cleaner, lets you clear cache at the tap of a button. It also comes with specific cache cleaning option, so you choose to delete only specific caches. System cache – this is the cache data created by the built-in system services that run your Mac’s OS. App (or User) cache – finally, this stands for data created by all the apps that you use. It includes apps that came with your OS (like Mail) as well as third-party apps (like Photoshop). AppCleaner is a small application which allows you to thoroughly uninstall unwanted apps. Installing an application distributes many files throughout your System using space of your Hard Drive unnecessarily. AppCleaner finds all these small files and safely deletes them. Simply drop an application onto the AppCleaner window. Nov 12, 2018  Download Cache Cleaner by Max Secure for macOS 10.13 or later and enjoy it on your Mac. ‎Cache Cleaner helps you free up space by cleaning out cache & junks files. Save GBs of space! In general, MacBooster is a nice app that aims to clean and speed up a Mac machine. Its features are a combination of what CleanMyMac and Gemini offer, and even go beyond. However, choosing the best Mac cleaner software is not simply a game of comparing the number of features.

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  2. Free Cache Cleaner For Pc
  3. Free Mac Cache Cleaner
  4. Free Cache Cleaner Download

You’ve probably heard and seen the term 'cache' used on your Mac but do you know what it is?

Cache files are basically temporary data stored on your hard drive and used to speed up processes. For instance, Safari will download images on a webpage into cache so that next time you visit the site you don’t have to download the images again.

There are many reasons to remove old cache from your MacBook and disk space issue is only one of them. So what are the other benefits ?

  • Fixing issues with laggy web pages that load outdated content
  • Removing personal data stored by websites and applications.
  • You need to force-delete outdated cache from an app.

Are your ready to reclaim space on your Mac? Let’s go!

What are main cache types?

There are roughly three main types of caches you can clean on your Mac:

  1. System cache
  2. User cache (including app cache and DNS cache)
  3. Browser cache.

This article will go over cleaning up all three.

Now, when it comes to clearing cache on Mac, there are two ways you can do it. You can clean them up manually step-by-step, or you can clean them in second with a cleaning utility like CleanMyMac X. If you want to clear cache on your Mac right now, we suggest doing it the easy way:

  1. Launch CleanMyMac X (2019 version is preferable)
  2. Select System Junk
  3. Click 'Scan', and then “Clean”

That’s it, all cache files cleaned! CleanMyMac X works on all systems, including the latest macOS Catalina. You can download CleanMyMac X for free here and try.

However, if you’d like to clean them all manually, follow the steps below.

How to empty user cache on Mac?

Potential space reclaimed from junk - Up to 70%

As you can see, a single user cache folder on my computer takes up enormous 1.6 GB of space. And that’s just one folder out of hundreds. That means a good cleaning could free up gigabytes of free space and speed up your Mac in the process.

To clear your user cache, do the following:

  1. Open a Finder window and select “Go to Folder” in the Go menu.
  2. Type in ~/Library/Caches and hit enter to proceed to this folder.
  3. Optional step: You can highlight and copy everything to a different folder just in case something goes wrong.
  4. Go into each of the folders and clean out everything.
    Note: We recommend that you remove the insides of these folders, but not the folders themselves.

Now, repeat the same steps above, but substitute…
~/Library/Caches with… /Library/Caches

Make sure that once you have finished clearing out these caches for additional hard drive space, you empty out your Trash. To do this, Control-click on the Trash icon in the dock and select “Empty Trash.” Restart your Mac afterward so your Mac can begin to create new, fresh cache files.
To help you make sense of your Library folder here's a brief explanation what each sub folder stands for.

If you aren’t comfortable with the risk of deleting user cache manually, a specialist cleaning app CleanMyMac X can do it for you. It will only remove files you don’t need and will find up to 7x more temporary cache files to remove from all over your system.

How to delete system and app cache on Mac

Potential space reclaimed from junk - Up to 10% (manual methods) or 15% (using cleaner)

Next up we’re looking at your system cache files. These hidden cache files are mainly created by the apps that run on your Mac. What dmg does axes do dauntless.

What is app cache? In short, it’s any media downloaded by the apps you use in order to work faster and not load it every time you open the app. Do you need it? It’s debatable, but app cache takes up disk space and can be cleaned.

You can delete app cache on Mac in the same way as user cache, by going to ~/Library/Caches and removing the insides of the folders with the app name.

Proceed with caution! Not all app cache can be safely cleared. Some app developers keep important user info on cache folders. Backing up a folder before you delete is always a good idea. If everything works fine then you can delete the backup later.

To be on the safe side, use CleanMyMac, it works with a Safety Database and knows how to clear app cache safely. As if that wasn’t enough it will also remove more junk than manual methods.

How cache is created? An example from Photos

Every time you do image manipulations, like rotating a picture, its additional copy is created on your drive. In this manner, just 4 rotations are enough for an image size to grow from 2.5 MB to 10 MB of disk space taken. If you edit photos and videos on a regular basis, you may notice that your editor application also keeps temporary data — like intermediate version of your files.

How to clear browser cache on Mac

Potential space reclaimed from junk - Up to 15%

We all love to surf the web but every site we visit adds to the growing browser cache. Clearing your browser cache doesn’t just free up space, it will can also clear your browsing history to secure your privacy.

Browser cache temporarily stores website data such as images, scripts, and other stuff, in order to make your browsing faster when you revisit the same site. If you’re worried about your privacy or want to hide pages you’ve visited, you can clear your Internet cache (or browser history). Also, resetting your browser cache will potentially help to get rid of 404, 502, and other errors caused by corrupted cache.

Each browser has its own cache location, so the process of clearing is different in each case. For instance, Chrome cache location is in Settings, Safari stores its cache in Privacy, and Firefox cache location is History tab.

Here’s a quick introduction into how to delete browser cache on Mac.

How to clear cache in Chrome

Here’s how to clear browser cache in Chrome manually:

  1. Click the 3-dot icon in the top right corner of Google Chrome browser.
  2. Choose Settings.
  3. At the bottom of the menu, choose Advanced.
  4. Click “Clear browsing data.”
  5. Deselect all, but Cached images and files.
  6. Timewise, choose All time.
  7. Hit “Clear data” button.

How to clear cache in Firefox

Here’s how to delete cache in Firefox manually:

  1. Click the hamburger icon in the top right corner.
  2. Choose Privacy & Security on the left sidebar.
  3. Scroll to the section 'Cached web content' menu item.
  4. Now, click Clear Now to delete Firefox cache.
  5. Exit/quit all browser windows and re-open the browser.

In the same menu, checkmark Override automatic cache management and limit the cache size in MB. Go with the default amount of 350 MB, which is enough for most users' needs.


If for some reason you cannot open a web page, try putting cache: in front of the URL address. This redirects you to the site’s cached copy.

For example:

It works most of the time and can magically open even the otherwise blocked sites.

How to clear cache in Safari

Safari is a little trickier than the rest of the browsers. You could remove caches together with all the other website history through History — Clear History in menu bar.

But if you need more precision, here’s how to empty cache on Safari browser:

  1. In the top menu, choose Safari.
  2. Click Preferences.
  3. Choose the Advanced tab.
  4. Enable Show Develop menu in menu bar.
  5. Now go to Develop in menu bar.
  6. Choose Empty caches.

Make sure you close/quit the browser and restart it after clearing cache. Note, that all your auto logins and predicted websites in the address bar will be cleared.

Manual methods remove most of the browser junk but if you want to remove all of it, from all your browsers at once, there’s a safer and faster method to clear your internet cache on any browser.

How to clear cache files on Mac with a single click of a button

Instead of searching all over your Mac to find and remove cache files yourself, you can clear user caches on a Mac using CleanMyMac X. It makes removing cache files as easy as can be.

To get rid of cache files with CleanMyMac X:

  1. Download CleanMyMac X (free) and launch it.
  2. Select Smart Scan in the left menu.
  3. Hit Scan at the bottom of CleanMyMac X.
  4. Then click Clean.

And you're done! If you’d like to remove only cache files and nothing else, click on Review Details before clicking Clean. Deselect everything but System Cache Files and User Cache Files, then click Clean.

The easy way to clear all browsing data

Instead of clicking between browsers and being limited to what they let you clean, take full control of all your browser cleaning with this simple method:

  1. Open CleanMyMac and select the Privacy module
  2. Click on your browser of choice
  3. Make your selections from the list of all your cache and privacy tracks
  4. Click Remove to clean your browser

Cleaning your Mac has never been easier. Download CleanMyMac X and try for free to get yourself a faster, cleaner Mac — without worrying about cleaning the wrong thing.

Free Mac Cleaner App

These might also interest you…

The cache is a type of memory where data is stored so as to make it easily available when it is needed by the macOS High Sierra. It stores technical data when a browser, app, or system operations are carried out. Over some time cache files can occupy space on hard drive. That`s why it is very important to clear Mac cache regularly in order to preserve its high speed. Caches can include temp files, apps specific caches, partly completed downloads, messaging cache, and web browser history and cache. So, let`s find out how to clean Mac cache via different ways.

Clean up your Mac manually

Go to cache and delete the contents – that is what the cache cleaning on Mac is about. Open Finder, select “Go”, click “Go to folder”, type “Library/Caches/”, remove certain cache files, and empty trash.

Fix a lot of browser related errors by Mac safari cache cleaning

All Safari users should remember that too much cache piling up in the background can cause a lot of problems. Clear cache in Safari is pretty easy:

  • Launch Safari on your computer
  • Click on the “Safari” in the menu bar
  • Click on “Preferences”
  • Click on the “Advanced”
  • Click on the “Show Develop menu in menu bar”
  • Click on “Develop”
  • Click on “Empty Caches”

Clear Chrome cache by taking several steps

It is very helpful to know how to clear out all Chrome data because there are many cases when users might want to delete all cookies, browser history, web data, and download history for privacy or troubleshooting purposes. This is the simplest way to do it:

Free Cache Cleaner For Pc

  • Open Chrome
  • Go to the “Chrome” menu
  • Choose “Clear Browsing Data”
  • Choose caches and web data you are going to remove
  • Choose the time period to delete from
  • Choose “Clear browsing data”

Use MacFly Pro to clear cache on your Mac

MacFly Pro is an effective app for decluttering your Mac`s system. It can help you clean up and speed up your computer safely. Here is how it works:

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  • Install the program
  • Open MacFly Pro
  • Head to the Cleanup tab
  • Start a System scan
  • Press Review Files
  • Press Clean to remove temporary files, log, User and System cache

With the use of MacFly Pro, you can tackle the problem in no time. You will have a wonderful opportunity to get maximum out of your computer performance seamlessly and quickly. What is more, this cleaning program offers everything you will be satisfied with – intuitive design, simple navigation, reliability, and effectiveness.

Free Mac Cache Cleaner

Now you know how to clean cache on your system and improve its maintenance. All you have to do is to transfer your knowledge into practice.

Free Cache Cleaner Download

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